Microlensing 18 – Santa Barbara

The 18th annual conference on microlensing was held in Santa Barbara in January. The main topic was of course planetary microlensing, with a great deal of discussion centred on getting results of new planetary systems out quickly.

Three-lens systems are also of particular interest for many people in the field, especially as the power of microlensing to detect multiple-planet systems has been demonstrated.

And there was a great day out at the California Science Centre:

Attendees at the 18th Annual Microlensing Conference, Santa Barbara, January 2014

Possible evidence of water found on Europa!

Planetary scientists have theorised that under a hard outer shell, Europa has a liquid ocean. Observations made with Hubble have captured a transient excess of ultraviolet light toward the limb of Europa. The explanation offered by the researchers is that a liquid geyser of water erupted from Europa’s surface, sending a plume of water high above the moon’s surface. Then molecules of water were subsequently split by high energy electrons caught in Jupiter’s intense magnetic field, producing the UV emission. See also Phil Plait’s Bad Astronomy article.

Summary of my research interests

My research initially focused on the study of massive stars. I have investigated the importance of mass loss and duplicity in stellar evolution (Eldridge & Tout, 2004; Eldridge & Vink, 2006; Eldridge, Izzard & Tout, 2008). I have actively collaborated with many astronomers to model progenitors of core-collapse supernovae and compare my models with observations (e.g. Eldridge et al. 2007, Pastorello et al., 2007; Mattila et al., 2008; Stancliffe & Eldridge, 2009,Fraser et al., in prep). I have also written a review on supernova progenitors (Eldridge, 2008) for the Royal Society. This work culminated in accurately identifying the progenitors of type IIP supernovae as red supergiants (Smartt et al., 2009).

An offshoot of my research played a key role in understanding the evolution of stars near the minimum mass for a core-collapse supernovae. I showed that these super-AGB stars are unlikely to be the supernova progenitors as previously suspected (Eldridge, Mattila & Smartt, 2007). Recently there have been more observed supernova progenitors near this minimum mass with luminosities less than those expected from stellar models. By varying the model physics I have shown that the luminosities are achievable but only by varying uncertain physics within the stellar models, such as increasing the carbon burning rate (Fraser et al., in prep). Continue Reading…