Microlensing parallax

I am doing a little work in microlensing parallax between two observatories. First step: replicate others’ work! Here is my attempt to replicate Figure 1 of Henderson & Shvartzvald (2016).

And here is Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Here is a scatter plot of mu_rel for $D_l = 1$kpc and $D_s = 8.2$ kpc, with the bulge velocity distribution used for the lens:

Animation of the positions of Earth and Kepler, in 2022, projected onto the observer plane, pointing towards a source at the centre of the K2 superstamp:

Plot of theta for Kepler-Earth, over a year:

Using the same assumptions as H&S, here is their Figure 3 replicated:

Here is some work going beyond H&S Figure 3, using the samples from the actual observer ephemerides along with the Galactic model draws:

Here is Figure 4 replicated:

Here is Figure 6 replicated:

Here is a first attempt at characterising the type of lenses that Cleopatra will be sensitive to:

Here is a final set of relative sensitivity histograms for a 20cm and a 50cm primary mirror, for two different values of d_perp, two different min(Amax) values and two choices of minimum sampling:

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